Silver Kemal Atatürk Signed Cufflink
The signature is the signature of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Atatürk has created the head letter and surname of the front name in its signature with the handwriting characters. What do you say to carry this noble signature with you and your loved ones? You can also gift Silver Kemal Atatürk Signed Cufflink in special days of your father or loved ones and you can love them. This sleek cuff button is made of 925 adjustment silver. oxide coating on silver is made. As with all silver cufflinks, Silver Kemal Atatürk Signed Cufflink is made entirely with hand labor. Due to silver and precious stones, the average product weight specified can be ± 10% deviation.
Width: 3.20 cm.
Size: 0.80 cm.
Oral Weight: 8.00 gr.
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