How to become a wholesale seller with ItsHandicraft
You can very easily register yourself as a wholesale seller with itshandicraft and take your business to the next level. is a meeting place for buyers (individual / retail shops/ wholesale buyers etc.) and sellers (artisans/manufacturers/traders) to trade hand crafted articles around the whole world. It is a platform intended to change the way artisans sell their products globally with the help of technology that dissolves the distance between the artisans and the buyers.
Select open a shop from the upper right hand corner of your screen
If you are already registered as a retail seller, just go to shop at the upper right hand corner of your screen.
Also you can click wholesale selling at the bottom of your screen
Which will redirect you to our seller page
You can then start applying for wholesale seller by clicking join our community today tab
OR by pressing sign up button
Fill in your details and press register
You have to wait till your application is reviewed by our compliance team and duly approved.
If you are already registered just sign in
Add details about your shop by going to shop settings.
Go to shop information and add a logo for your shop so that customers can easily identify you. The logo should be clear and be a good representative of your shop. Do not use flash while taking picture.
Provide details about your shop to provide clear idea about your business to your customers. Then save and continue to nest page.
Give a personal touch about your shop in shop story by telling your buyers about your shop, your passion, how you started it, how you work and if you wish, you can provide videos and photos of your shop and its work process.
In shop policy outline all important policies of your shop so that customers know every important and legal aspect and this would help avoid later hassles.
Now go to shop at the top right hand corner of your screen and click payment settings. You will be redirected to the page. First fill up your Paypal details so that you can receive the payments that customers pay after buying from you. We use the paypal method to distribute the buyer’s payments to the sellers. You must have a valid email id, without that payment transfer cannot be done.
After that as a wholesale trader, you select wholesale trading option
Wholesale sellers with Itshandicraft have to pay a minimum monthly fee of 25 pounds and they can get a number of benefits. Go to to know the advantages of being a wholesale seller.
Fill in the business billing details and tick the box at the bottom and click on approve agreement
Congratulations! You are now a registered wholesale seller with us.
You can now go to shop at the top right hand corner and start adding products by clicking on inventory
Start adding a product
You can add your product photo in 2 ways:
Upload from PC – This is a straight forward click and select procedure of adding images of the products stored within your PC or device. Please make sure you add clear photos with minimum resolution of 500 x 500 pixels of your product and be sure not to use flash while taking photos.
Upload via URL – If you already have your product listed in another website, you can upload it here by just copy pasting that link here and thus, save your time
through URL capture method.
What is URL capture method?
It is a unique process by which you just have to copy and paste the url of the site which already has your products listed and fields relevant to your product details will be automatically filled , saving lots of manual entries.
If you already have a website and want to avoid hassle of entering thousands of product manually then you can ask our inventory experts to capture data from your website and list within your Itshandicraft store.
Product details – In this section you can start adding your product specifications
Fill in product details so that your customers can know everything about the product- like who made it, what is it and when it has been made, the category to which belongs etc. This helps the buyer to get important information and provides a clear picture about the product which gives him more confidence that he is really buying an authentic piece.
Selling options
As a wholesale seller, you have the option to sell either in retail or wholesale or both. You can choose whichever option you like.
Product variations
Specify the variations in your product like as color, size, shape etc. (if any). This will help the customers to order the exact variation of your product that they want.
Order specifications
Put in the number of pieces you have in stock for sale at the moment, weight of the item and both the retail and wholesale prices you have set for your product. Your wholesale prices will be visible only to the wholesale buyers with Its Handicraft.
Then fill in the minimum quantity the buyer has to order and the minimum value of the order. The more details you fill in, more will it make the selling process easier and free of hassles.
Retail discount
Add your retail discount (if you want to offer any)
Add quantity and price you want to set a discount. If you have 40 items but the order placed is of 110 items, even so the customer can place the order. But the delivery date will have to be different than the one specified because you need to create the 10 extra items and ship it. Both you and the buyer have to agree on an extended time frame. You can provide big discounts on such bulk orders.
Important features
Give an idea about your product by filling in product specifications like color, functions, style, shape so that customers can have a fair idea about it. Be sure to mention important keywords which would highlight the best qualities about your product.
Shipping details
Tell your customers about your shipping details like the place from where you are sending the items, how much you require to prepare the items for shipping, where is it supposed to ship, which type of service you are using to ship it and if or not you will charge for shipping.
Refund and returns policy
Specify your refunds and returns policy – how many days the customers has to notify you if he wishes to return the product and the time limit within which the customer has to return the product. Knowing all these before making the purchase will help the customer to avoid later hassles.
You have to tell your customers whether you accept returns or not. It’s in your interest to offer a refund policy as it helps establish bona fide credentials. You can choose from a returns policy based on 7, 15, 30, 45 or 60 days. However to qualify for the returns policy, notification of return must be made by the buyer within 7 days of receiving the product.
Search boosting keywords
Add easy to notice and important keywords of your product that will help your customer to find your product quickly through the search engine.
To safeguard against the buyer cancelling the order when you are actually in the process of packaging and posting the product, you can stipulate a cut off time for cancellation notification. For example, you plan to post the package at 1pm so you can stipulate the cut off time as 1pm. You then notify the buyer that the product has been shipped and send the tracking code to the buyer. You can confirm delivery of the product via the tracking code. You do not receive the payment until a seven day refund & return period has expired which starts as soon as the product is received.
We have tried to create a transparent and flexible model which is fair to both the sellers and buyers. Therefore, we have completely eliminated the middlemen. The artisans of countries like Turkey, India, Bangladesh, Nepal etc. have huge talent but they are not getting adequate exposure and they are being cheated by the middlemen out of their deserving share. We strongly believe that artisans deserve their rightful share so that they can lead a happy and dignified life.
Join ItsHandicraft and sell your product around the world at your terms and conditions.